Monday, August 18, 2008

Black Eye

I think this is a Black Eyed Susan. I really should get a flower book since I like taking pictures of them. Maybe having no preconceived notion about them is half the fun. Nature sure is a great architect. Click on picture to see larger image.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weird Dream

This is my attempt at artistic license. I suppose I could have gotten the picture a little sharper but that would have altered the effect. I love this color green.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Great Balls O' Fire

Ahh, the sunset. Another day done. The end of the day sometimes leaves me satisfied, and sometimes leaves me uneasy, but one things for sure; the sun will set. Click on picture for larger image

Purple Rain

I gotta get a job. It's raining today so I have lots of free time. Not much horse work in the rain, although it's great to be in the barn when it's raining. This has nothing to do with this photo. It's a pansy, which is about all I know of it. A wet pansy. Click on photo for larger image.

Run with The Sun

One of the few people photos you will find me posting. I got some great shots this day. This kid was having a great time between fishing with his father below the pier and fishing with his friend on top of the pier. He couldn't have caught a thing 'cause he was running back and forth the whole time.

Bee's Knees

Ok, so you see a pattern here. Plants, bugs, animals. This is another insect that sat still for me. I wish the Great Horned Owl in my woods would. I love the bee's eyes. I was hoping the camera would have focused on the eye but instead it picked to focus on the wing apex. I'll try again another time. Still learning. Click on photo for larger image.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hold Still Grasshoppa

Yikes! I don't know why this guy sat there for me but he did. I guess even grasshoppers like to sunbathe. At one point it turned towards me as if it was ready to fight. Tough Guy. I was up on the Blue Ridge Parkway when I took this one. Wonder where he is now. Probably in someone's belly, or worse. Click on image for larger view.

The Gullet

I would write more but I'm tired and going to bed. Stay tuned and leave comments. Click on photo for larger image.

USA in Shades of Gray

I took this picture not long after 9/11/01. I was in upstate NY and everyone had a flag out. I liked the pattern that the fence made through the stripes. I can make alot of metaphores about this considering the date it was taken. Click on photo for larger image.

Hover Craft

Well, plants and animals. That's mostly what you'll get on this blog. Maybe a person here and there. This was a picture I took when I first got my digital camera and I was testing all the settings. Do you think Ican remember what I did to get this. Not a chance. This is a "fly by the seat of your pants" operation. Click on photo for larger picture.

Hilton Head Sunset

When I'm here in the winter this is what I see when I am going over the Intracoastal at about 5:15pm. It speaks for itself.


This is an Aster, I think. My mother will know as soon as she sees it and let me know. Maybe it's just a Dandelion. Anyway, I like the way the yellow is so bright against the dark background. Another Virginia flower. Click on photo for larger image.

Internet Prototype

Ha! Your not going to get any great explanation about this picture either. Very cool tree that I saw when I was in Staunton, Va. It must be some`sort of ornamental shrub. I thought the twisted branches were cool. Click on photo for bigger picture.

Lush Green

I love this picture. There is something mysterious and beautiful about it. You expect the ferns to part and a tropical paradise to emerge. This is some plant that grows in the yard. Once a year it sprouts some big ugly appendage out of the middle of the plant and I think there are little flowers on it. Later it keels over and dies and then these little fiddlehead like things start sprouting around the dead ugly part. This picture is after the little fiddlead things unfold. That is my scientific explanation.

Blue Somethin'

As you can see, I like plants. I can't grow them but I can photograph them. This flower is a Blue Something, at least that is how it is indexed in my flower file. I took this while I was at my brothers in Virginia and I had finished taking a thousand photos of the kids. This was the only one that turned out. Click on photos for larger view

First photo on the photo blog. I was having so much fun posting photos to the painting blog. This Sunflower is an example of the beauty you can find anywhere. I was at a stoplight in New York and there it was, growing out of the sidewalk. I didn't even count on the red roof of the pizza joint behind. This flower was begging for her fifteen minutes of fame. How wonderfully perfect. Click on photos for bigger viewing